Blog Devotionals

How Noah’s Ark Reveals God’s Grace

August 19, 2024 | Sam Rainer

In Genesis chapters 6-9, we encounter the story of Noah’s Ark, which came to rest on the mountains of Ararat as the floodwaters receded. The exact location remains a mystery, but this story’s essence speaks volumes about our sin nature and God’s boundless grace.

The mountains of Ararat, mentioned only in Genesis 8, serve as a powerful symbol. They remind us of the destructive nature of sin and God’s unwavering commitment to restore and save His people. Sin taints everything it touches, starting with the Garden of Eden and extending until today. In Noah’s story, the world’s sin grieved God to the point of bringing the flood. Yet, in the midst of this judgment, God offers redemption and deliverance.

Noah’s story is not just about survival; it’s a testament to faith and obedience. Noah faithfully built the ark, a symbol of salvation. This act of faith mirrors our need to trust in God’s provision through Jesus Christ, our ultimate ark of deliverance. As Noah’s ark saved his family from the flood, Jesus saves us from the ultimate judgment.

Consider the depth of sin’s impact: it grieves God and causes widespread pain and separation. Ephesians 4:30 urges us not to bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by our actions. Genesis 6 reveals a world fallen apart, causing God great sorrow.

The story of Noah is a solemn warning. In 1 Corinthians 10:11, Paul reminds us that these Old Testament events serve as examples for us. God is patient, as He was with Noah, giving ample time for repentance. However, this patience has limits. The door of the ark closed with the onset of the flood, symbolizing the finality of judgment once it arrives.

In Hebrews 11:7, Noah’s faith is commended. Despite the seemingly insurmountable task, he obeyed God’s warning of the coming flood. Today, many are like the people of Noah’s time— unaware or indifferent to the impending judgment. The opportunity for deliverance is now, but it won’t last forever. Jesus, our ark, offers a way to escape the flood of sin and judgment. As we live in these days, reminiscent of Noah’s, let us heed the call to faith and obedience. Let us embrace Christ’s love, finding true freedom in His deliverance.

Remember, the ark represents both a warning and an invitation. Don’t shut the door on God’s grace. It’s time to get on the boat.