Blog Devotionals

What Weapon Will You Use in the Battle of Armageddon?

September 4, 2023 | Sam Rainer

When Jesus returns, He will be ready for battle. Revelation 19 records a vivid description of King Jesus as a warrior. This passage gives several details about His second coming. His robe is covered in the blood of judgment, and his fiery eyes point to the purging of all evil from the world. He rides a white horse, representing complete victory. He is the commander-in-chief during Armageddon. The armies who follow Him are dressed in white.

Why would an army wear white? They are already victorious! Believers will not fight the final battle of Armageddon. Christ’s Word is enough for victory. I’ll be blunt. Jesus does not need your help. He’s not leading this war, looking behind him and thinking, “I hope they are ready to fight.” You will not need a weapon at Armageddon because the Word of God is enough. Take a moment and read Revelation 19. Focus on the description of Jesus in verses 11 through 16.

The passage refers to the sharp sword flowing from Jesus’ mouth. This sword is His Word. Do you remember what happened in John 18? The text records Jesus’ arrest. The soldiers ask, “Where is Jesus?” Jesus responds, “I am He.” These simple words cause 100 to 200 Roman soldiers to fall to the ground. His words alone have power. Can you imagine the power of Jesus in Revelation? He alone will fight the Battle of Armageddon. We will watch with awe, offering thanks and praise to our King.  Where can you find this victory today? In the Word of God! If you want to live victoriously now, then dive into your Bible.

Maybe you’re thinking this isn’t the image of Jesus often depicted in churches and culture. Warrior Jesus is nothing like sweet baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling cloth. He is covered in blood, riding a horse, and ready to judge the world with fiery eyes. Why is this part of Jesus necessary?

The answer is simple. Would you want a weak King who can’t defeat evil? Or do you want the fiercest warrior of all eternity leading your army? Who would you want to serve? I love this image of Jesus because it reminds me He has the power to rule, the will to rule, and the authority to rule. He’s my King. He’s your King. He’s the King of Kings. Onward, church!