Blog Devotionals

Why We Help the Least of These

October 14, 2024 | Sam Rainer

In Matthew 25:31-46, we’re given a vivid picture of the day of judgment. Christ, the King of kings, stands before all nations, separating His followers, the sheep, from those who chose not to follow Him, the goats. The image here is one of authority, reminding us that every decision we make carries eternal weight.

The question arises: how do we ensure that we’re counted among His sheep? Jesus provides a clear answer through His teaching in this passage. He calls us to recognize “the least of these” among us—those who are vulnerable, hurting, and in need. As followers of Christ, we’re not only called to know and love Him but also to serve others selflessly, reflecting His love for the world.

Who are the “least of these”? While they could be anyone in desperate need, they are also fellow believers who are suffering. Jesus is asking us to see beyond ourselves, and to have compassion for those who may be overlooked. He highlights the importance of meeting physical needs, showing love and kindness, and sharing His message of hope.

Serving others is an expression of our faith. It’s not enough to think good thoughts or have sound theology; we’re called to action. Galatians 6:10 encourages us to “do good to everyone, especially to those in the family of faith.” Our compassion, our willingness to lend a hand, and our sacrifices reflect the heart of Jesus, who always stopped for the one in need.

In the busyness, it’s easy to overlook the people right in front of us who need help. Jesus challenges us to open our eyes and respond to those in our path, just as He did with Bartimaeus, the blind beggar who cried out on the road to Jericho. In a world filled with noise and distractions, Jesus calls us to stop, to notice, and to care.

This isn’t always easy. Serving others can be challenging and uncomfortable. It requires both strength and vulnerability. We need “toughness and tears,” as Jesus showed us in His life. He wept with those who were mourning, and He spoke the truth boldly when needed. We, too, must balance compassion with conviction, truth with tenderness.

So, why do we help “the least of these”? Because we want them to know the Good Shepherd. Jesus, our Shepherd, guides and protects us. He’s close beside us in every trial, just as a shepherd stays close to his sheep, defending them against threats and keeping them from straying. He not only knows our names, but He also gives us purpose. In the same way, we’re called to care for others, to be present with them in their pain, and to show them the love of Christ.

Let’s remember that each act of kindness, each time we step out of our comfort zone to help someone in need, we’re embodying the love of Christ. Let’s be His hands and feet, ready to serve those He places in our path, and let’s do so with joy, knowing that we’re bringing glory to God and pointing others toward the hope found in Jesus.