Jesus sought time alone with the Father so much that it became part of his reputation. In Scripture, we read that Jesus “often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” (Luke 5:16) Nine times in Luke’s gospel we can read about Jesus withdrawing to go and pray. On one occasion,
his disciples find him only to remind him “everyone is looking for you!” (Mark 1:37)
Have you ever tried to be alone with God only to be distracted by the demands of the day? A child crying in the other room, a family member calling you name, or perhaps your calendar app reminding you of your upcoming events. In life, there is a tug of war battle happening for attention, yet in order to truly live as we are called, we must occasionally pull back.
In Psalm 73, we are reminded that an overly distracted life leads to discouragement but a life where our attention is on God will inevitably lead to adoration of God. Is your desire in life to enjoy the purpose and peace that can only be found in Jesus? This can only be found when we fix our eyes on Christ alone. What must you do to give God some of your undivided attention today?