Mary and Joseph Escape to Egypt

Series: Christmas in Matthew’s Gospel

Sermon Title: Mary and Joseph Escape to Egypt

Speaker: Sam Rainer

Date: December 22, 2024




  1. What is one of your favorite Christmas traditions, and how does it help you reflect on deeper meanings of the season?
  2. If you had to flee to a foreign country on short notice, what would be the hardest thing for you to leave behind?


  1. Read Matthew 2:13-23. How does God’s protection of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus demonstrate His sovereignty? What does this say about trusting God during times of danger or uncertainty?
  2. Hosea 11:1 and Matthew 2:15 connect Israel’s Exodus from Egypt with Jesus. Why do you think Matthew emphasizes this parallel? How does it deepen our understanding of Jesus’ mission?
  3. How does the contrast between Herod’s hostility and God’s grace illustrate the central theme of Matthew 2? What lessons can we draw from this about our own attitudes toward Jesus?


  1. Herod’s hostility to grace was rooted in his desire to maintain control. In what ways do our own fears or desires for control reveal a similar resistance to God’s grace? How can we cultivate a heart posture that surrenders to His sovereignty?
  2. Grace “from top to bottom” reminds us that no one is beyond redemption. How does this truth challenge your personal understanding of God’s grace for yourself and others? How can this change your attitude toward people you might overlook or judge?

Additional Discussion Questions

  1. How does the wisdom of the magi challenge your perspective on worship and sacrifice?
  2. In what ways can we respond to God’s glory like the magi did, rather than succumbing to fear or indifference?

Interesting Facts and Tidbits

  • The massacre ordered by Herod parallels Pharaoh’s killing of Hebrew boys in Exodus, showing a recurring theme of evil opposing God’s plan.
  • The journey from Bethlehem to Egypt was around 75-150 miles, a difficult and dangerous trip without modern transportation.
  • The prophecy “Out of Egypt I called my Son” (Hosea 11:1) ties Jesus to the story of Israel, presenting Him as the true fulfillment of Israel’s calling.

Related Passages

  • Exodus 1:22-2:10: The story of Moses parallels Jesus’ early life, showcasing God’s plan to protect His chosen deliverers. Highlights God’s protection and sovereign plans.
  • Hosea 11:1: The prophecy quoted in Matthew 2:15 connects Jesus’ flight to Egypt with Israel’s history. Provides prophetic context and deepens understanding of Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises.
  • Revelation 12:1-9: Symbolic imagery of Satan’s opposition to Jesus from birth. Shows the cosmic battle surrounding Jesus’ arrival.
  • Genesis 3:15: The protoevangelium (first gospel) prophecy of the serpent being crushed by the offspring. Foreshadows Jesus’ ultimate victory over Satan.
  • Romans 8:7: “The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God.” Explains the natural hostility humanity has toward grace and God.