Blog Devotionals

You Become What You Celebrate

February 3, 2025 | Sam Rainer

We celebrate milestones, achievements, and the people we cherish. These moments shape our identity. When we celebrate our family, we become more devoted parents and siblings. When we celebrate a sports team, we deepen our loyalty as fans. But the highest celebration, one that transforms us from the inside out, is the celebration of God. We become more devoted the more we worship God for who He is.

Psalm 150 invites us to embrace worship as celebration. This short yet powerful psalm teaches us where, why, how, and who to celebrate. It begins with a call to praise in God’s sanctuary and His mighty heavens (v.1). Worship connects us with both the earthly church and the heavenly realm. Our gatherings as a body of believers each Sunday are more than rituals—they are glimpses of heaven. When we unite in praise, we echo the songs of angels and saints, experiencing a divine connection that anchors our faith.

The psalm continues by revealing the reasons for our praise: God’s mighty works and His unequaled greatness (v.2). Reflect on the incredible ways God has worked in your life—His saving grace, His faithful provision, His continual creation. When we focus on who God is and what He has done, our hearts overflow with gratitude and awe.

Next, Psalm 150 illustrates how to praise God (v.3-5): with music, movement, and passion. Trumpets, lyres, tambourines, and cymbals represent the diversity of worship. No matter your personality, gifts, or background, there is a way for you to celebrate God. Worship with all you have! It’s not about the instruments or the volume but the heart behind it—an offering of unity and joy. Whether you lift your hands, sing quietly, or dance with abandon, your worship matters to God.

Finally, the psalm closes with a call to creation: “Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord!” (v.6). This crescendo reminds us that worship isn’t reserved for a select few—it’s for all creation. Every breath we take is an opportunity to glorify God. When we join together as a church, our collective praise becomes a declaration of God’s glory to the world.

As Revelation 19 shows us, the ultimate celebration is in heaven, where multitudes cry out “Hallelujah!” in victory. Yet, even there, worship is rooted in the truth of “Amen”—a posture of agreement and submission to God. Our hallelujahs emerge from the amens in our lives. We are drawn into deeper celebration when we humbly bow before God in faith and obedience. May every amen and hallelujah in our hearts lead us closer to the One worthy of all glory.