Blog Mission Trips

Guatemala Family Trip 2024 **Update**

July 31, 2024

The team is back! After a great week with our mission partner, One More Child (OMC), the team returned from Guatemala on Friday. It was a fantastic trip where our families served directly with kids from all different backgrounds for the week. We’re already looking forward to another trip in 2025!

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about Guatemala

During this trip, we partnered with J316 Ministries to lead three three-day soccer camps with kids through teens. The first soccer camp each day was in partnership with a local pastor who brought kids from his community to participate. The second soccer camp each day was with younger kids who are a part of the OMC sponsorship program. Finally, the last group was organized each day in partnership with a local school. We are grateful for your prayers for the team and want to share some stories from the trip!



Local Churches

One of the main purposes of this trip was to work with local churches to empower and resource pastors to utilize the J316 soccer camp model in their communities year-round as a discipleship and outreach tool. This week, one pastor was able to come every day, with a few other pastors coming when they could, to learn about the J316 soccer camp. This pastor brought around 25 teens from his community to participate. We were able to leave him with the resources needed to run these camps in his community.


Sponsorship Kids

One of the main initiatives OMC runs in Guatemala to combat systemic malnutrition is a sponsorship program. Through this program, people can “sponsor” a child and help offset food costs, provide help to the family, etc. There were 40 kids younger kids from the OMC sponsorship program who were able to attend a three-day soccer camp in the afternoon. These kids had a blast learning about Jesus and having fun with soccer!


Local Schools

Another excellent outreach opportunity came through a school OMC has been building a relationship with. At the end of each day, a class from this school would get to participate in an abbreviated one-day soccer camp. Over the three days, the team was able to work with the fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade classes. This provided a great opportunity to help share the love of Jesus with about 40 kids each day who aren’t already connected with OMC.


Thank you!

Thank you for being willing to give and pray for missions at West Bradenton! You make trips and partnerships like this possible. This team did an awesome job, but there is still more to do. Join us!

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