Blog Global Missions

Serve the Nations: Central and South Asia

September 21, 2024


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Our Central Asia and South Asia trips are at the center of our mission focus because they are vital to our church’s ability to engage unreached people groups around the world who come from difficult countries or contexts of persecution. In Central Asia, we serve with a longstanding mission partner to share the gospel with people from Muslim backgrounds. In South Asia, we serve with One More Child in a new location for our church. These trips look different but are both extremely important for making a kingdom impact on the frontlines of global missions.




Central Asia

In Central Asia, we work with a longstanding mission partner to engage people from an unreached people group. We are able to distribute digital and physical Bibles as well as other gospel resources. This trip allows our team members to work alongside native speakers to have spiritual conversations with interested people. The nature of this trip makes it difficult to adequately communicate how exciting it is to see God working on the spiritual frontlines. If you want to see what this trip is really all about, check out stories from the previous trip below!

Central Asia 2024
Week 1

Central Asia 2024
Week 2

South Asia

In South Asia, we are partnering with a local mission partner to engage vulnerable families in a holistic way with the gospel here. This partnership will includes reaching the unreached, anti-trafficking efforts, poverty alleviation, and savings groups. The savings groups, in particular, are a vital way we engage in South Asia. The local ministry has worked with Hope International to get these savings groups off to a strong start as they empower local churches to equip and strengthen families holistically.


JOIN US IN 2025!

God is doing amazing things in Central and South Asia, as well as all around the world. We want you to be able to be a part of some of it! We have a full list of short-term mission trips that we will be taking in 2025 available on our website. Go check them out and find the perfect one for you.